Recent Posts by Janet Kalunian

The Small Places Approach to International Reporting

The Small Places Approach to International Reporting by Kiara Vance (she/her/hers)Director of Admissions & OutreachieiMedia Eva Vazquez (she/her)Project Coordinator/Admissions AssistantieiMedia In an era influenced by headlines, the nuanced and intimate stories from smaller regions, cities, and towns often go unheard. The "Small Places Approach" to international reporting seeks to equalize this imbalance by focusing on…
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Your Home Away from Home: Living with a Host Family Abroad

Your Home Away from Home: Living with a Host Family Abroad by Rachele KanigelDirector, ieiMedia Arles Imagine waking up the first morning of your study abroad program, but instead of staying in a dorm or a sterile hotel room, you’re in a cozy bedroom in a French family’s home. As you open your bedroom door,…
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Education Abroad & the ieiMedia Experience

Education Abroad & the ieiMedia Experience by Kiara Vance (she/her/hers)Director, Admissions & Outreach Helen Morfit (she/her/hers)Program Manager, Admissions & Outreach Eva Vazquez (she/her/hers)Project Coordinator, Admissions & Outreach WELCOME to the Institute for Education in International Media (ieiMedia) blog. In this first blog, we wanted to share highlights from our programs to inspire you to combine fun,…
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WELCOME to the Institute for Education in International Media (ieiMedia) blog. For over two decades, our vision has been to provide students with the confidence and purpose needed for a life in global communications. We train students to be emissaries of truth who are inspired to pursue a future as ethical and professional global storytellers.…
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