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    • The Small Places Approach to International Reporting
      The Small Places Approach to International Reporting by Kiara Vance (she/her/hers)Director of Admissions & OutreachieiMedia Eva Vazquez (she/her)Project Coordinator/Admissions AssistantieiMedia In an era influenced by headlines, the nuanced and intimate stories from smaller regions, cities, and towns often go unheard. The "Small Places Approach" to international reporting seeks to equalize this imbalance by focusing on the rich, diverse, and deeply human stories that emerge from the world's less publicized corners. Understanding the Small Places Approach The Small Places Approach emphasizes reporting from regions typically overshadowed by significant news events. These places might be small towns, remote villages, or overlooked urban neighborhoods. The goal is to provide a platform for voices and stories lost in the noise of global news cycles. This approach is rooted in the belief that every place has unique and valuable stories to tell, no matter how small. The Importance of Small Places 1) Cultural Diversity: Small places often harbor rich cultural traditions and practices that are fascinating and integral to the global mosaic. By reporting on these areas, journalists can help…
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    • Paula Nelson
      Paula Nelson works with both graduate and undergraduate students guiding them to discover their creative potential and to emphasize intention in every aspect of still image making, editing, and sequencing – all elements of visual storytelling. Using a visual language that demonstrates a deep understanding of the power of each image singularly as well as in sequence, students create compelling visual narratives. A storyteller at heart, Paula Nelson began her career of more than 30 years as a staff photographer at The Dallas Morning News. Part of a small team of journalists, she was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting for “Violence Against Women: A Question of Human Rights.” She documented sex-selective abortion, dowry burnings and the sex trade of minors in India and Thailand. Nelson traveled to 48 countries, around the U.S. and across Texas photographing breaking news, multi-picture feature stories, sports, food and fashion. She was recognized with top photography honors from the NPPA, Southern Short Course, the Katies, POY and as a skilled picture editor with strong storytelling abilities from the…
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    • Your Home Away from Home: Living with a Host Family Abroad
      Your Home Away from Home: Living with a Host Family Abroad by Rachele KanigelDirector, ieiMedia Arles Imagine waking up the first morning of your study abroad program, but instead of staying in a dorm or a sterile hotel room, you’re in a cozy bedroom in a French family’s home. As you open your bedroom door, the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafts into the room, and you’re greeted with a cheery “Bonjour!” That’s the experience students have in ieiMedia’s international reporting and photography program in Arles, France. All students live with local families in homes scattered around the small, walkable city. [caption id="attachment_10545" align="alignnone" width="547"] Kylie Clifton, center, says living with her host family, Jean-Marie LeConte, left, and Anne Baucheron, right, felt like visiting relatives. Photo: Alexie Zollinger[/caption] “It was like I was staying with grandparents or relatives because we clicked so well,” says Kylie Clifton, a Loyola Marymount University student who lived with an Arlesian couple for a month in the summer of 2023. “They were so sweet.” Students seeking to enhance their foreign…
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    • Maria Charbonneaux
      Maria Charbonneaux is an assistant professor of practice and the Dotdash Meredith Professional in Residence in the Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. She teaches classes on reporting, writing, principles of journalism and the publishing industry, and she oversees Iowa State’s Dotdash Meredith Apprentice Program. She was a staff writer and editor at Meredith Corp., and she continues to create editorial content for national media brands as a freelancer. Her work has appeared in Better Homes and Gardens, Do It Yourself, Kitchen + Bath Makeovers, Paw Print and other publications and websites related to home, lifestyle and crafts. As Greenlee's communications specialist, she previously oversaw the school’s social media accounts, alumni magazine and newsletters. She holds a degree in journalism and mass communication and was named a 2014 Iowa State University Alumni Association STATEment maker.
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