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The Cagli Media Project
Institute for Education
in International Media
Andrew Ciofalo, Director


Graduate and undergraduate students from all over the United States participate in the Cagli Media Project. Every student is responsible for writing a story, taking photographs for another story, producing video for a third story and publishing a fourth story on the Web.

Rebecca Albert

Rebecca is a student at Temple University.
Culinary School in Cagli - Writer
Fundamental Things Stay in Cagli - Photographer
The Freshest Meat in Cagli - Video
American Kids Discover Whole Other Selves in Italy - Web Design

Alison Bockman

Alison is a student at Gonzaga University.
To Market, To Market: Wednesday in Cagli - Writer
Unstoppable- Photographer
Equality in Italian Workspace - Video
Small Town Company, Big Time Impact - Web Design

Alex Cirillo

Alex is a student at Loyola College.
Two Brits Savor Life as Rural Hoteliers - Writer
A Passion for Cycling- Photographer
A Big Game in a Small Town - Video
Cagli: A City Embedded with Art - Web Design

Kristen Conroy

Kristen is a student at Elizabethtown University.
Italian Cooking Tradition Takes on a Eurospin - Writer
Freedom is Motorino - Photographer
Keen-Nosed Hounds Hunt for Chunks
of Savory Black Gold
- Video
Opera in Cagli: The Hidden Gem - Web Design

Claire Davis

Claire is a student at Gonzaga University.
Friar Leads Humble Life of Devotion - Writer
Small Town Company, Big Time Impact- Photographer
Unstoppable- Video
To Market, To Market: Wednesday in Cagli - Web Design

Cynthia Dew

Cynthia is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
A Passion for Cycling - Writer
Cagli: A City Embedded with Art- Photographer
Two Brits Savor Life as Rural Hoteliers - Video
A Big Game in a Small Town - Web Design

Tami Dixon

Tami is a student at Gonzaga University.
Opera in Cagli: The Hidden Gem - Writer
Keen-Nosed Hounds Hunt for Chunks
of Savory Black Gold
- Photographer
Freedom is Motorino - Video
Italian Cooking Tradition Takes on a Eurospin - Web Design

Devon Dolan

Devon is a student at Gonzaga University.
Six-Kid Family a Throwback in Low-Birthrate Italy - Writer
Pizzeria L'Angolo: Cagli's Crossroads for Snacking- Photographer
Lights, Laughter and Love of Luna Park - Video
Extending Stay in Familial Nest Has Upside - Web Design

Melanie Edwards

Melanie is a graduate of Bennett College.
Freedom is Motorino - Writer
Opera in Cagli: The Hidden Gem- Photographer
Italian Cooking Tradition Takes on a Eurospin - Video
Keen-Nosed Hounds Hunt for Chunks
of Savory Black Gold
- Web Design

Lea Faminiano

Lea is a student at Loyola College.
The Iron Man: Hammering Through the Ages - Writer
A Little Corner of Bohemian Fashion- Photographer
Raccolta Differenziata: Separation Equals Prevention - Video
Young Adults Hitting the Bottle Harder
in Small Town Italy
- Web Design

Julia Gaspary

Julia is a student at Loyola College.
Cagli: A City Embedded with Art - Writer
A Big Game in a Small Town- Photographer
A Passion for Cycling - Video
Two Brits Savor Life as Rural Hoteliers - Web Design

Kathryn Gregory

Kathryn is a student at West Virginia University.
Keen-Nosed Hounds Hunt for Chunks
of Savory Black Gold
- Writer
Italian Cooking Tradition Takes on a Eurospin- Photographer
Opera in Cagli: The Hidden Gem - Video
Freedom is Motorino - Web Design

Chanel Grundy

Chanel is a student at Bennett College.
Fundamental Things Stay in Cagli - Writer
Culinary School in Cagli- Photographer
American Kids Discover Whole Other Selves in Italy - Video
The Freshest Meat in Cagli- Web Design

Katrina Hickman

Katrina is a student at Temple University.
A WWII Vet Finds Life and Love in Italy - Writer
Old-Style Cheese Making Now the Exceptioni- Photographer
The Love of Dance - Video
Bocciodromo: A Men's Social Club- Web Design

Aziza Jackson

Aziza is a student at Bennett College.
Gaetano Lapis - Writer
Corpus Christi in Cagli- Photographer
Restoring Old Cagli - Video
La Gioconda: Gabriele Giacomucci- Web Design

Reid Johnson

Reid is a student at Gonzaga University.
Old-Style Cheese Making Now the Exception - Writer
The Love of Dance- Photographer
Bocciodromo: A Men's Social Club - Video
A WWII Vet Finds Life and Love in Italy - Web Design

Brett Kahn

Brett is a student at Temple University.
A Big Game in a Small Town- Writer
Two Brits Savor Life as Rural Hoteliers- Photographer
Cagli: A City Embedded with Art - Video
A Passion for Cycling - Web Design

Katie Koepfinger

Katie is a student at Temple University.
A Little Corner of Bohemian Fashion - Writer
Raccolta Differenziata: Separation Equals Prevention- Photographer
Young Adults Hitting the Bottle Harder in Small Town Italy - Video
The Iron Man: Hammering Through the Ages - Web Design

Kate Lacey

Kate is a student at Loyola College.
Young Adults Hitting the Bottle Harder in Small Town Italy - Writer
The Iron Man: Hammering Through the Ages- Photographer
A Little Corner of Bohemian Fashion - Video
Raccolta Differenziata: Separation Equals Prevention - Web Design

Catherine Leung

Catherine is a student at Loyla College.
Lights, Laughter and Love of Luna Park - Writer
Extending Stay in Familial Nest Has Upside- Photographer
Six-Kid Family a Throwback in Low-Birthrate Italy - Video
Pizzeria L'Angolo: Cagli's Crossroads for Snacking - Web Design

Stephanie Meros

Stephanie is a student
Bocciodromo: A Men's Social Club - Writer
A WWII Vet Finds Life and Love in Italy- Photographer
Old-Style Cheese Making Now the Exception - Video
The Love of Dance - Web Design

Michael Paine

Michael is a graduate student at Gonzaga University.
American Kids Discover Whole Other Selves in Italy - Writer
The Freshest Meat in Cagli- Photographer
Culinary School in Cagli - Video
Fundamental Things Stay in Cagli - Web Design

Lauren Pappas

Lauren is a student at Temple University.
The Love of Dance - Writer
Bocciodromo: A Men's Social Club- Photographer
A WWII Vet Finds Life and Love in Italy - Video
Old-Style Cheese Making Now the Exception- Web Design

Vanessa Reeves

Vanessa is a graduate student at Gonzaga University.
Extending Stay in Familial Nest Has Upside - Writer
Six-Kid Family a Throwback in Low-Birthrate Italy - Photographer
Pizzeria L'Angolo: Cagli's Crossroads for Snacking - Video
Lights, Laughter and Love of Luna Park - Web Design

Ian Roeber

Ian is a student at Gonzaga University.
Unstoppable - Writer
To Market, To Market: Wednesday in Cagli- Photographer
Friar Leads Humble Life of Devotion - Video
Equality in Italian Workspace - Web Design

Takako Sato

Takako is a student at Temple University.
Equality in Italian Workspace - Writer
Friar Leads Humble Life of Devotion- Photographer
Small Town Company, Big Time Impact - Video
Unstoppable - Web Design

Debbie Schallock

Debbie is a student at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
La Gioconda: Gabriele Giacomucci- Writer
Restoring Old Cagli - Photographer
Gaetano Lapis - Video
Corpus Christi in Cagli - Web Design

Mary Schell

Mary is a student at Temple University.
Corpus Christi in Cagli - Writer
Gaetano Lapis- Photographer
La Gioconda: Gabriele Giacomucci- Video
Restoring Old Cagli - Web Design

Laura Stagliano

Laura is a student at Loyola College.
Pizzeria L'Angolo: Cagli's Crossroads for Snacking - Writer
Lights, Laughter and Love of Luna Park- Photographer
Extending Stay in Familial Nest Has Upside - Video
Six-Kid Family a Throwback in Low-Birthrate Italy - Web Design

Sarah Sullivan

Sarah is a student at St. Louis University.
The Freshest Meat in Cagli - Writer
American Kids Discover Whole Other Selves in Italy- Photographer
Fundamental Things Stay in Cagli - Video
Culinary School in Cagli - Web Design

Melissa Traynor

Melissa is a student from
Raccolta Differenziata: Separation Equals Prevention - Writer
Young Adults Hitting the Bottle Harder in Small Town Italy- Photographer
The Iron Man: Hammering Through the Ages - Video
A Little Corner of Bohemian Fashion - Web Design

Laura Treadway

Laura is a student at Temple University.
Restoring Old Cagli - Writer
La Gioconda: Gabriele Giacomucci - Photographer
Corpus Christi in Cagli - Video
Gaetano Lapis - Web Design

Anne Wessell

Anne is a student at Loyola College.
Small Town Company, Big Time Impact - Writer
Equality in Italian Workspace- Photographer
To Market, To Market: Wednesday in Cagli - Video
Friar Leads Humble Life of Devotion - Web Design