The waterfall is powerful enough to drown out even the loud whizzing of cars weaving on the autostrada a few hundred feet away. Screaming motorbikes and humming Alfa Romeos are stifled in their noise-polluting ways as the cascade proves, in this neck of the woods, nature rules. And this is no leaky faucet, it sounds as though the world has rotated on its axis and helpless water can only freefall without abandon. A humble current nudges the blue-green habitat for many a fish over the line of reason and control, as suddenly all hell breaks loose. With renewed strength the river is plunging out of control towards the worn, grey rocks resting below. The water crashes onto its landing pad with the audible thwacking of an aged Italian grandmother making good use of a wooden spoon on a misbehaving grandchild.
Observers of this sheer power must heed the domineering might of this waterfall out of respect for its capability and potential. The crash landing eventually becomes a peaceful stream, steady and safe. The pooling water then glides over obstructing rocks gracefully, as fine sandpaper may sift over a piece of wood- altering the surface ever so slightly and then moving on. This constant trickling is broken only by the rare resurrection of a fish into the air.....and even this is more of an atmospheric touch than an interruption of mood. I don't know where this small section of the river came from, nor where it leads. However, in this moment it is my section for conflict, resolution, and peace for my ears. This cycle is so complete because of the clarity and diction only nature could provide.

...Can't beat this tranquility


One last glimpse

Bring it all Home