Valter Basili's 15-year-old apprentice, Celeste Gasparini, dreams to one day become a professional cyclist. Influenced by his father, his interest is also aided by Basili, the local amateur cycling champion.
After school, it is popular for teenagers in Cagli to go to the river for fun, but Gasparini would rather ride with Basili. He even finds cycling more fun than soccer, a sport that is popular here among kids his age. Although he finds it difficult to keep up with Basili during their training sessions, he is still dedicated -- he trains four or five times a week and rests when he feels tired. Cycling over 60 kilometers a day, including Cagli's numerous hills, helps strengthen Gasparini's young legs and improves his racing performance. Already he shows potential: he has won a few races and always has finished within the first ten positions. The year 2002 has been a rough year because of accidents during a competition. Though his role model is pro cyclist Marco Pantani, Gasparini admires Basili for his genuine dedication to the sport and for giving it his all. With positive influences, including family support and a strong internal drive, Celeste Gasparini shows signs of a successful future.
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