A rustle of the beaded curtain alerts Manuela Rocchhetti to the arrival of yet another customer. The scent of dough baking and freshly grated formaggio welcomes the famished Cagliesi.

Manuela smiles brightly, gesturing to the glass counter revealing rows of pizza slices, some topped with prosciutto and others zucchini. The local favorites are margherita (cheese and tomato), funghi (mushrooms), and salsicce (sausage), though Manuela claims they sell a bit of everything.

"Dimi," Manuela says cheerfully, though she winks knowingly.

Manuela and her husband, Uberto Simoncelli, opened this pizzeria six years ago, when Uber, as the locals call him, moved from Pesaro to be near Manuela.

Trained as a pizzaiolo (pizza maker) in Pesaro, it was only natural that Uberto would merge his talents with his heart.

Tuesday through Sunday from sun up to sun down the townspeople can visit Uber and Manuela to buy a slice of pizza for one euro or order a few meatballs and some roasted chicken for the afternoon meal.

Though they knew very few people when the shop opened, gradually they've come to know the clients. Apart from a few new faces and the occasional tourist, the Tana del Ghiotto (Den of Gluttony), the crowd that frequents the shop are regulars.

"Come stai?" Manuela asks the woman with the quiet toddler. She watches them slip through the doorway and round the corner of the Via Lapis.

"It's either children or the pizza shop," Uber says with a chuckle. For now the couple nourish the town's bambini with cheese and crust.

Graphic Design:

Joseph Salvati
Design Production:

Joseph Salvati,
Alexandra Samet

Anna Yost

Joeseph Salvati,
Ellen Pittoni
Home Barber Jeweler Bookstore Cheese Shop
Caffe del Commercio