Rena Granieri- Ever since childhood, 25 year-old Rena Granieri has been passionate about singing. At the age of sixteen, she enrolled in a conservatory in her hometown of Azerbaijan in the southern part of Russia. In 1995, Rena was awarded a scholarship to study at the "Academia d'arte Lyrche," near Ancona, and now travels around Italy, débuting in performances such as "La Serva Padrona" in Cagli and "Stabat Mater," by G. Pergolesi in Urbino. Her days in Cagli are spent practicing- - from early morning until late in the evening. When she is not performing, Rena is studying opera at home, truly dedicated to her passion and profession.
Shih- Hung Young- Born in Kuala Lampur, educated in Taipei and then in New York, Shih-Hung Young has been trained since childhood in violin. He attended LaGuardia, a prestigious NY high school, and then graduated from the Julliard School, eventually receiving his doctorate from SUNY-Stony Brook. At 28, he is the youngest maestro conducting in the "Festival dell'Accademia del theatro Citta di Cagli." His two weeks in Cagli will be pleasurable. He believes that the Julliard focuses too much on perfection and here the performers are "truly doing it with their hearts," not only performing to achieve perfection, but because they truly love it. This relieves pressure and refreshes his love for music.
Simonetta Paolucci- As president of the "Opera di Cagli," Simonetta Paolucci's job goes far beyond that. Described by performer Rena Granieri as, "Not only the president, she is the mom," her caring personality has been beneficial to the performers of the opera, and she has created a home away from home for many performers. Every year the opera house hosts the "Festival dell'Accademia del theatro Citta di Cagli, " a two-week long musical event. Simonetta has an education enriched with music, culture and history. Her kindness and desire to share her knowledge of the opera is well known and appreciated by everyone she encounters.

Copy by Suzanne Tallarico, Graphic Design by Ethan Tangerini, Design Production by Meghan Devine, Julie Ryder, Suzanne Tallarico, and Ethan Tangerini

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