Scenes and stories from a small town in the hills of Italy's Le Marche region

Champions of the World

Italy wins the 2006 World Cup

The Italian soccer team played France on Sunday, July 9, 2006, in the World Cup Final game. Seemingly the entire town of Camerano watched together, then celebrated together.

Italian men watching soccer

Italians passionately support their national soccer team. Experience the World Cup from the perspective of Camerano's own.

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Video by Kiley Peters (QuickTime movie)

In Camerano, soccer
more than just a game

By: Elliott Yancey

July 2006

In Camerano, the soccer field is more than a sporting arena; it has become an epicenter for social interaction, community pride and parental training. Calcio, the Italian word for soccer, is the most popular sport in Camerano. Soccer is not just for youth. The Camerano calcio association provides many opportunities for adults as well.

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